Voter's Punish Gay Baiting Candidate
Voters Punish Gay-Baiting Candidate; Elect Andre Pierre in Close Run-Off

Yesterday we let you know about a desperate, anti-gay attack ad targeting Andre Pierre in the City of North Miami Mayor's Race. The moment Equality Florida learned of the ad we took action:
- We contacted the group responsible and Wolland himself to demand a public apology.
- We called over 3,000 voters in North Miami letting them know about this ugly, last minute, negative campaining
- We sent an email alert to thousands Equality Florida members throughout Miami-Dade
In a clear repudiation of the divisive politics of gay-baiting, Andre Pierre defeated Frank Wolland in yesterday's runoff election 2,870 to 2,525. Wolland had been the top vote getter in the May 12th primary.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our alerts.
The offensive ad appealed to homophobic prejudice by photoshopping outgoing Mayor Kevin Burns in a romantic pose with Mayoral candidate Andre Pierre on the bow of the Titanic under the headline "Don't worry Andre, they're only icebergs."
Mayor Burns, who is openly gay, had endorsed Andre Pierre. Under Mayor Burns leadership North Miami has made tremendous strides in supporting LGBT families including the passage of one of Florida's strongest Domestic Partnership policies. Andre Pierre has pledged to continue the city's efforts to be welcoming and inclusive of all residents.
Homophobia loses!
Below is a copy of the ad circulated on election day in North Miami: