Equality Florida Launches #HonorThemWithAction Campaign To Commemorate One-Year Mark of Pulse Massacre

ORLANDO, FL - Today Equality Florida announced the launch of the #HonorThemWithAction Campaign, a nationwide commemoration of the Pulse massacre that calls on individuals and organizations to honor those killed by taking action to uproot the hatred that feeds bullying, harassment, discrimination, and violence.
On June 12, 2016, the Orlando community was rocked by the massacre at Pulse nightclub that claimed the lives of 49 victims. 53 more individuals sustained injuries, and thousands in Orlando and around the world were traumatized by the attack. The horror unfolded in the middle of Pride month on Latin night at Pulse, a popular gathering place for young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people of color.
More than 850 events sprang up around the country in the immediate aftermath of Pulse and many of the organizations and community leaders who led those efforts last year have renewed their commitment to creating lasting change.
“In the days that followed the Pulse massacre, shock and disbelief turned to grief and anger,” said Nadine Smith, Executive Director for Equality Florida. “At a moment when some sought to meet fear with fear and hate with hate, we saw a community pull together across difference and unite in a commitment to challenge bigotry and hatred, not nourish it. #HonorThemWithAction is a reminder and a pledge to uproot hatred and bigotry of all kinds and make the world a different, better, and more equal for all of us.”
“The Pulse massacre was a shooting in a popular gay nightclub on Latin night in the middle of pride month, and the victims were overwhelmingly LGBTQ and Latinx young people,” added Hannah Willard, Public Policy Director with Equality Florida. “We have to name the communities that were attacked and we must ensure the lasting memorial is the real change of uprooting anti-LGBTQ hatred, discrimination, and violence in our culture.”
All interested organizations should visit HonorThemWithAction.org to sign up for the campaign. The website will feature our partners and their events. Equality Florida encourages organizations and individuals to use the hashtag #HonorThemWithAction on social media to share stories as a way to raise awareness about the work they are doing to uproot anti-LGBTQ bias and bigotry.
Equality Florida encourages organizations to shape this campaign in such a way that works best for each group. Some may focus on a single day, others a week, some the full month of June. Many Pulse memorial events will coincide with the Equality March for Unity and Pride in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, June 11th, the day before the Pulse one-year mark.
Visit HonorThemWithAction.org to let us know you’ll partner with us to #HonorThemWithAction.
Media questions about #HonorThemWithAction? Contact Hannah Willard at Hannah@EQFL.org